Render Repairs

Protecting buildings from the elements and improving aesthetic appeal.

What is it?

Render is a popular exterior finish that improves aesthetic appeal and protects buildings from the elements. Over time, however, render can become damaged due to factors like exposure to harsh weather conditions, poor installation, or inadequate maintenance. When this happens, the render can crack, peel or even become detached from the surface of the building, which can result in water infiltration and other damage.

How can Premier help?

Our highly trained team can provide effective solutions to restore the appearance and integrity of a building’s exterior. We will identify the causes of render damage and provide customised solutions, as well as regular inspections and maintenance services to avoid future damage. Techniques may include crack repairs, patching, or complete render replacement, depending on the extent of the damage.

Step 1.

Diagnose the Problem

We don’t just scratch the surface. Our ability to identify and diagnose existing or potential problems is standard procedure. Our Principal, Geoff Humby, brings experience working in Federal Government criminal forensics, and has trained each member of the Premier Waterproofing team to follow the same rigid standards.

Step 2.

Engage a Specialist Team with Specialised Products

We believe in specialisation. Each job we undertake requires a unique skillset and approach. We don’t take shortcuts or make assumptions; we address each project like it’s our first and will custom design products for the best possible solution.

Step 3.

Leave No Trace

The problem is fixed, but we were never here; at least, you could be mistaken for thinking that. Our specialised vacuum-attached machinery and dust suppression techniques means that nothing will be left behind. No dust, no rubbish, no extra material. The only thing you’ll keep is a solution.